Giving Back

Gan Lin’s mission is to color the lives of everyone we touch. As such, the support of non-profit fundraising efforts plays an important role in our company’s culture, and we hope you can be a part of the action too. We support a variety of non-profit organizations that are dear to our hearts, including: 

- 潮州鎮三星⾥  (Chaozhou Township San Xing Li) 

- 玄空法寺  (Xuan Kong Fa Temple) 

- 朝陽功德會  (Chaoyang Charity) 

- ⾼雄⼤學理學院⽣物科技研究中⼼  (Biotechnology Research Center, Graduate Institute of Kaohsiung University) 

- 社團法⼈屏東縣啟智協進會  (Kai Chi Association of Pingtung County) 

- 中華關懷癌友重⽣協會  (Chinese Cancer Care Association)